Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

It's that time of year again. Birthdays everywhere in November!!! Grandma Joan's was the 4th, Grandma Vicki's was the 8th, Joe's was the 10th, and Grandpa Don's is the 17th! Happy Birthday Everyone!!! Vinnie was very excited for this too as one way or another he is getting some cake :)

Vinnie was under the weather for halloween, but we still put his awesome glow in the dark skeleton pajamas from grandma Vicki on him. He had a cold, an ear infection, and a double eye infection. He is prettty much over it now, but it sure lingers on. We got quite our share of trick or treaters in our new neighborhood. When we lived in midtown we had one maybe two max! Luckily I did not have to eat all the candy this year :)

Tuesday I took Vinnie to his neurologist Dr Boop for his monthly check up. Dr Boop was confident his hydrocephulus had receeded enough that he does not need to see him again for six months! He will have another cat scan then just to make sure the fluid in his brain remains at a normal volume.

We also went in for his 15 month wellness check up. He weighed in at 23 1/2 pounds! It was the fastest appointment I have ever taken him to. I was talking to the nurse and there are so many sick kids right now. They are trying to get everyone for wellness checks in and out. They even offer to allow you to wait in your car and call you when it is time to come back to your room vs sitting in the waiting room. They were actually our of flu shots so Vinnie will get one when he goes back for his checkup (from being sick). Unfortunately Vinnie was denied this year for Synagis the RSV shot. They feel his lungs are no longer at a state where it would be life threatening although in some situations it can be to the healthiest child.

We will be traveling to Florida for thanksgiving this year. Vinnie will be going on an airplane for the first time. I hope he does well. I am currently accepting all advice for taking an infant on a plane :) We are excited to go. Vinnie will then officially have met all his aunts and uncles!!!

Vinnie is moving along in the food and drink world. He likes noodles, pancakes, french toast (ok anything that involves syrup), corn dogs, peas, PB&J, amoung other things. We are working on the sippy cup. He actually drank half a cup out of one a few weeks ago, but not much luck since. I was taking him over to his godmother Kristy's house last weekend and decided to give the sippy cup a whirl while in the car. Bad idea. He managed to spill the spilless cup of juice all over his shirt. Like anything we'll keep at it.

Last weekend Vincent also had his first official sleep over with other kids! He stayed over at my friend Alison's house with her kids who are 4 and 2. He had a great time and was tuckered out. Thanks again Alison!

For some reason blogger does not like it when I rotate pictures so you may have to look sideways for a few. The second picture is Vinnie's "stop taking pictures of me" face. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We have lift off!

Vinnie is starting to get a hang of pulling up to standing! He has done it a few times this week. Luckily (and unluckily just joking)I was on the phone with his uncle Jeremey when he was pulling up yesterday and he reminded me CAMERA!

Also enjoy the many faces of Vinnie during our never dull dinner time :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Vinnie is officially crawling. He has really taken off since his last surgery in September. He is starting to pull up also so I am sure we are in for some walking action by the end of the year! In his new mobile ways he is exploring more and more. I don't think I will ever get used to the head bumps and tip overs that come with this. Joe won't let me put padding on our floors and furniture so for now I'll just have to ease up a bit. :)

We have been through what I hope was the worst of teething. If I haven't it's ok to lie to me and tell me we have. He has 8 teeth now. Four on the top and four on the bottom and he knows how to use them! We've weaned him out of trying out his new chompers on us. His favorite foods currently are muffins, cheese sandwiches, peas, yogurt, and cheerios.

Last weekend we traveled to Nebraska by car for my friend Kim's wedding. It was offically our first family road trip. Naturally I was nervous about taking Vinnie on an 11 hour car ride. He did great though. We loaded up with toys, bottles, and backyardigans!

We had a great time at the wedding. The wedding was beautiful and perfect. I'm so glad we could be there to witness my friend of over 20 years tie the knot!!! My parents, sisters, brother in law, and niece Tru met us in Lincoln on Friday. My dad, sisters, niece, and BIL Doug finally got to meet Vinnie. It was great. Tru spoiled Vinnie all weekend by holding his bottle and giving him her toys. It was so sweet. I had the chance to see people I have not seen in 10 years. Thank you Kim for having all us there and it was a privalige to be your Matron of Honor!!!!

Of course the camera was in constant use :) Enjoy the pictures!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009