Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our 16 pound baby

Can you beleive it? Vinnie Joe is officially 16 lbs! His new fav is looking at himself in a little toy mirror we got for his crib. He likes to lay in there and have long conversations about life with himself. His reflection must tell jokes too because he is laughing also. He is starting to giggle not just screeches anymore. It is so cute. when I capture it on video I'll add it to the blog.

Joe and I will be embarking on the fine task of house shopping soon. We are busting at the seams and running out of nooks and crannies in our current house to tuck things away. Our living room has been consumed with the fisher price jungle collect of a bouncy activity chair, the gym, the bouncy chair, and the swing. It is quite the sight to see. It's vinnie's little gym :) We will be looking in Southaven, MS.

Other than that Vinnie has just been doing what he does best. Being cute and rediculously good looking!


  1. He really is ridiculously good looking. And I can't believe he's 16 pounds. Holy crap! Tell him to pass on the secrets of his weight gain to Tukk! And good luck with your house shopping. How exciting!

  2. You've gotten tired of wordpress, too I see... I love the new pics!
