Saturday, April 25, 2009

March For Babies: We did it!!!!

We sucessfully completed our 4 mile March For Babies walk. I am proud to announce team inVINCEable finished the walk with out the use of one of us being carried or short cuts :). It was a beautiful day for it. It was about 85 degrees and sunny. The turn out was huge. Much larger than we expected. Myself, Joe, and my friend Erin were on our team. We were just one team among hundreds. Thank you to everyone who sponsored us or gave us words of encouragement. It was a great experience.

It was wonderful to see so many people supporting a great organization. After reading many other stories at booths today it reminds us of how we too are blessed personally to have organizations like the March of Dimes. I read one story that really made me realize how fast technology/research is coming and how lucky we are because of that. For example when Vinnie was born he was completely maxed out on O2 and on the highest level the ventilator could be set on. The only thing they could do for him at that point was add nitrous oxide which is relatively new according to his doctors. Not all NICU's have this yet. We saw a drastic improvement for the next days and I truly believe that made all the difference. We went from having our doctor calling me in my room 3 hours after having vinnie telling us that we better get to the NICU because he did not think Vincent would make it much longer, to having a happy healthy 18 lb baby boy. Bottom line if organizations like the march of dimes can help save one baby, support one family going through the loss of a child, or be a helping hand with parents who have a child in the NICU than it is an organization well worth having.

After the walk we went over to grandma Vicki's. We grilled out and enjoyed some pool time. Vinnie took a dip in the pool for the first time!! It wasn't for long as he got tuckered out pretty quick, but he had fun!!! He's a little water baby.

Enjoy the pictures and thanks again everyone!!!!!!!!!!



  1. we did not go out and walk for this year. I have to send my fundraising sheet in... I can't believe how big vinnie is.. he looks great!!! and adorable!!!

  2. I'm glad it was a good day. And I have to say that Vinnie is one cool customer. He looks like he's just chillin' in the pool, floating around and sucking on his binky!
