Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vinnie is 9 months old and our wedding anniversary

For our 1st anniversary Joe and I celebrated in Cancun. We left Wednesday the 25th and got back to Memphis on our anniversary Sunday the 29th. They offered us many things to go out and do when we were there such as swimming with dolphis, sight seeing, boating, etc. but after the past year we opted to do the most obviously choice. Sit on the beach and eat a rediculous amount of food!
The resort we stayed at (The Royal Cancun) was wonderful. They had a show every night ranging from Mexican dancing and we even saw them doing a show one night with an Elvis impersonator and jail house rock dancers. Ahhh, The King follows us where ever we go. We did catch the Memphis game Thursday night although it was broadcasted in Spanish. We followed enough to get the point though. We posed with live trained parots for some pictures also one day on the beach. Joe manged to get bit lol. Unfortunatly we do not have any pictures since they were the kind where the photograher at the resort takes them and you have to go pick them up and pay for them. Nah.......that was too many pesos to count and got forbit we walked an extra 30 feet than we needed to.
The 4 days (sunday was traveling from 8am on we finally got settled in at home around 7pm) we were actully at the resort was plenty as we both missed Vinnie terribly! He stayed with Grandma Vic and Uncle Jeremey. He told me they all had a fabulous time and Uncle Jeremey didn't teach him anything too bad!

Unfortunately the week before we left we had a less than pleasant experience with our nanny. So we were nannyless the Monday before we left. We're back to nanny hunting. Grandma Vickie has been helping us out putting in some major overtime needless to say. My brother Jonathon will be coming to Memphis Monday and staying through the second week of May. He'll watch Vinnie during the day for us while we continue the nanny search. We're going to talk to his pediatrician too. He may be ok to start daycare although we would really rather not do that until he is 2.

Aunt Frankie is coming to Memphis today. She came to visit last year also when Vinnie was in the NICU. We're excited for her visit and to get to see Vinnie now! He's changed just a bit! When she was here last time he probably weighed about 4 lbs. She had bought him a limited edition sleeper. It was 9 month old size. At that time he probably could have fit into one of the legs, but it fits now!!!

Vinnie officially turned 9 months old on our wedding anniversary, March 29th. Today he is going to his 9 month check up and will also receive his final Synagis (rsv) shot for the season. He has been recieving them monthly since October. I don't think he'll miss the monthly shots and we certainly won't! Since he's getting bigger so has the shot and they had to start splitting it up into two shots, one in each leg. Poor bub.

Vinnie was just over 16 lbs at his last appointment so I expect he will be around the 17 lb mark today. He's growng quickly even more so in length! He is starting to roll over even more, pulling to sit, and gibber jabbering more. When he wakes up in the morning he doesn't cry to alert the world he is awake any more. Instead you will hear him "talking" to himself probably self preparing himself for the exciting day of baby food, Backyardigans, and Bumboing ahead. :)


  1. I'm glad you had a good trip. You look GORGEOUS in that pic with Joe! Good luck with the nanny hunting.

  2. CAn you believe our babies are getting so old?! This summer they will be one!

    You looked absolutely fabulous on your anniversary trip! I'm glad you had a nice time. It's nice to be baby-free from time to time, even though you miss them so much! Sorry to hear about your nanny... e-mail me and give me all of the gory details, lol.
