Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Easter Miracle

Yesterday we arrived at Lebohner Children's hospital bright and early for Vincent's shunt placement surgery. Vinnie went through the regular prep process. We met with the anesthesiologist, admissions, vitals, etc. When we were getting ready to move back to the OR waiting area the two members of the neurologist team that would be in on Vincent's surgery came in to answer any additional questions we had. Shortly after they left Vinnie's main neurosurgeon Dr. Boop came in to our pre op room. Normally you do not see the doctor until you are in the the OR waiting area. He felt Vinnie's fontanel (aka soft spot on his head) and said the swelling had subsided as it was no longer bulging out. It had returned to normal (soft and slightly in). He decided there was no need to place the shunt yesterday!!! We were so relieved not to mention thankful the surgery was not the Friday before. For the next couple of months Vinnie will be monitored via CAT scans every two to three weeks. Dr. Boop said that he possibly may be starting to reabsorb the fluid on his own. He did prepare us though that he could still need the shunt placement. It could be a few days or a few months. It just depends on how he does in regards to the levels of fluid in his brain, the pressure, and so on.

Saturday Vinnie ran a pretty steady fever of 101.8 all day and was very miserable. His soft spot was really bulging this day so at this point having the surgery could not come fast enough. We did everything we could to break his fever (thank you google) and he was finally more comfortable in the early evening. After a good nights sleep he was a brand new boy Sunday.

We are now more knowledgeable on what to watch for, warning signs, and at home tests we can do (such as checking the soft spot and watching his eyes) to monitor if he is having issues related to hydrocephalus.

Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers for Vinnie! We are truly blessed to know so many wonderful people who care so much about him.

In other news we had a great Easter. We went over to Grandma Vicki's house and Vincent even went on a Easter egg hunt! Vinnie got wonderful Easter presents from Grandma Vicki, Grandma Joan, and Aunt Frankie. Vin even got a visit from his uncle James this weekend. He was excited to see him, but even more excited to try and eat his hand :) We're expecting a tooth to pop through any day now!

Preparing for surgery Monday

Grandma and Vinnie on Easter Sunday

Chew chew chewing away on anything even in his sleep. C'mon teeth!!!

Chewing on Uncle James

Vinnie's sweet summertime hat from Grandma

Hanging with Grandma

Joe and his brother Jeremey (who will kill me for posing this picture) on Easter

Vinnie's cold press for breaking his fever. Worked like a charm!

Watching baseball with James

Too funny. Vinnie likes to kick the arm up in his tub now and really relax at his personal spa :)

Hanging out with uncle Jon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooo glad he didn't end up needing the surgery. Hopefully he won't ever need it. I love the new hat from grandma and the pic in the tub. So cute!
